Standing still means going backwards. A lot has happened at BSF Bünter AG in the last six months. We would like to bring you up to date, particularly in the area of LaserCUSING.

In January, we were able to commission our second M2 machine from ConceptLaser. The resulting increase in production capacity immediately required an increase in personnel. With Marco Hug, we were able to welcome a dedicated employee to the company and especially to the LaserCUSING team. Fabian Graber also joined the team on 1 September to ensure that the systems are working to capacity. The recent NTB Bachelor graduate will be responsible for sales and design work in additive manufacturing in future. With this addition, the LaserCUSING team has doubled in terms of machinery and personnel, and our two experienced specialists Reto Federer and Kevin Wüst are looking forward to their active support and your interesting orders.

For enquiries, advice and information regarding additive manufacturing, please contact Fabian Graber at the following email address: The entire BSF team is looking forward to a continued good co-operation.

P.S.: We will be back at a tabletop trade fair on 22 September 2015. Visit us at the Swissmechanic Business Day in Lucerne.

BSF Bünter AG at the Eastern Switzerland Technology Symposium. At our exhibition stand, we will be showing you limitless possibilities thanks to LaserCUSING. LaserCUSING, the melting process for powdered original metals, exclusively at BSF Bünter AG. Additive manufacturing in combination with mechanical processing makes the process unique.

You will find our stand at the Eastern Switzerland Technology Symposium in St. Gallen on Friday, 21 August 2015.

Find out more on the website of the Eastern Switzerland Technology Symposium:

From 3D data directly to the metal workpiece

Milling, turning, grinding, wire eroding, programming and designing have long been part of the services offered by BSF Bünter AG. In order to be innovative and at the cutting edge of technology, the company now goes one step further with the laser cusing process. It produces the most complicated workpieces directly from 3D data for its customers, making it unique in the industry as a contract manufacturer. These consist of 100 per cent original metals and therefore have the same properties as a mechanically processed part. The advantage: they are thinner-walled, lighter, without weak points or irregularities, because they are made "from a single mould". In laser cusing, the powdered metals are built up additively layer by layer (to hundredths of a millimetre) using laser beams. In all mechanical processes, material is removed from a block, which inevitably leads to difficulties with complex designs. With the laser process, the product is built up without tools, which means that coils, cavities, nested or superimposed tubes are no longer a problem for production.

Here you can take a look at our new advertising presence.

Insights into the BSF Bünter AG Christmas party:

Here see the BSF Bünter Trend Report Technica.