Dear Business Partner

While the last orders before Christmas are still being processed in our production department, we have once again invested in an exciting innovation. In our brand new wire erosion machine includes a rotary axis. This allows us to machine your parts from several sides in a single clamping operation and thus achieve even more precise tolerances. It is also possible to rotate the component and virtually turn or cylindrically grind it on the eroding machine. The minimum wire diameter is just 0.05 mm, which is thinner than a human hair.

Would you have thought that we could completely wire-cut the bolt from this drawing?




The entire BSF team wishes you a relaxing time and a happy new year. We will be back in action for you from 2 January 2019.

7Dear business partners

Every trade journal currently states that digitalisation should lead to greater efficiency and business success. BSF Bünter AG has come one step closer to this basic idea with a concrete practical example. Because we have replaced our dusty engraving systems with a state-of-the-art laser engraving machine replaced. This means that texts in any font, arrows, scales, customer logos and other markings can now be applied very easily, quickly and to the desired depth in high quality. Whether a few tenths of a depth or just a colour change on the surface, whether on round or cubic parts, whether aluminium or steel: BSF Bünter AG will be happy to do this for you "in-house" and in keeping with the digital age.


From 11 - 14 December 2018, the production and supplier trade fair called Industrialis will take place. We will be represented with a stand and look forward to finding out with you whether the new
trade fair can establish itself as an alternative to Prodex/Swisstech when it is held for the first time.


Contact us without any complications by mail or phone for your personal free entry!

Dear Business Partner

On 24 August 2018, the Olma halls in St. Gallen will once again open their doors for the annual Technology Symposium.
A speaker will be hacking live into supposedly secure systems and Stäubli, Thyssen Krupp and many other practitioners will be providing a variety of presentations.

You should not miss this mixture of presentations, table fair (with the participation of BSF Bünter AG), networking and delicious food!
Click here for further information and online registration.

BSF Bünter AG will be on a well-deserved summer holiday from 23 July to 3 August 2018. After that, we will be back for you in our usual strength.

You can view the report on the June 2018 technical review here.


Dear Business Partner

Additive manufacturing can be used to produce very light yet stable parts. This is now common knowledge. But redesigning is not only worthwhile for lightweight applications: The more unnecessary material can be saved, the faster the component is melted and the more favourable the unit price. Unfortunately, design changes are very time-consuming without routine and suitable software. Benefit from the partnership between BSF Bünter AG and BioStruct GmbH. Simply send 3D data with the desired structure code from the images above (e.g. 2B), wait for an offer and utilise the full potential of additive manufacturing at the best price!


Kurt and Fabian Graber & the entire BSF team

Dear Business Partner

BSF Bünter AG will be presenting a world first at the AM Expo in Lucerne on 6 & 7 March 2018.

We were able to develop innovative software with the NTB Buchs University of Applied Sciences as part of a CTI project. "OptiCool" can analyse so-called conformal cooling automatically within a very short time. What used to take an experienced designer 8 hours is now possible for us in under 1 hour. In addition to the design, the cooling system is also simulated and optimised. This enables even shorter cycle times and even less distortion. (More info in addition can be found here).

In a nutshell: The costs for additive cooling in injection moulding or aluminium casting tools are falling, while the benefits for the customer are actually increasing.

Come by our stand D2137 next week for more information. Fabian Graber will also be giving a presentation on the new product at the trade fair's Innovation Forum. According to plan, you can be there at exactly 10:42 a.m. on 6 March. here their free of charge Admission. We look forward to seeing you!


Kurt and Fabian Graber & the entire BSF team

Dear Business Partner

Everything from a single source. This is what we are known for and what we want to offer our customers. With this in mind, we would like to inform you that from 1 February 2018, we will also be offering Cylindrical grinding is one of our services. In addition, with the Superfinish technology surfaces of up to Ra 0.05 can be achieved. Bruno Sieber Präzisionsschleiferei from Widnau will be fully integrated into BSF Bünter AG with all its machines. We wish Bruno a good new start after the move to our building and continued pleasure in his work. For his existing customers, we will ensure that the co-operation continues to be as uncomplicated, fast and precise as before.

Another change affects our sales department. Thomas Oehy started working for us in January 2018. He will strengthen our office department and will be your contact person for quotations and technical queries in the future. We wish him all the best for this new challenge at BSF Bünter AG.

By the way: The Swiss trade fair for additive manufacturing will take place in Lucerne on 6 - 7 March 2018. Get your free admission here!


Kurt and Fabian Graber & the entire BSF team