Targeted porous sections with 3D printing

For 4 years now, we have been assuring you that BSF Bünter AG can generate completely dense components using additive manufacturing (3D printing of metals). But there are new applications that require exactly the opposite: Targeted porous parts. After several tests, analyses and adjustments to the process parameters, we would like to inform you that this technology is now also available at BSF Bünter AG. Possible applications are e.g. filters, vents, air vents, gas mixers or lubricant supply. We look forward to realising your own innovative ideas with you. In the spirit of our slogan "No Limits".

The Eastern Switzerland Technology Symposium will once again take place in St. Gallen on 26 August 2016. With this year's theme "Innovative SMEs - competitiveness in structural change", the BSF Bünter AG stand will of course not be missing. You too can benefit from interesting presentations in combination with an extensive exhibition. (

Kind regards
Kurt and Fabian Graber