Now it's official!

After 20 years, Kurt Graber hands over the reins to his son Fabian Graber. The succession of the family business is thus secured. Fabian Graber has been the official managing director and co-owner of BSF Bünter AG since December.

Fabian Graber completed his apprenticeship as a design engineer and then completed his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Buchs. He has been working full-time at the company since 2015, during which time he has headed up the 3D metal printing department. Involved in decision-making right from the start, he was able to continuously take on new tasks and find his way into his new position without any time pressure.

Kurt Graber will continue to contribute his experience to the company. He will remain Chairman of the Board of Directors and will continue to be operationally active as part of the Executive Board. He will also remain strongly committed to the training of apprentices as President of the Swissmechanic St. Gallen-Appenzell section.

We have passed!

Our customers already know that we always supply high-quality parts. The fact that we have not yet been ISO certified may therefore come as a surprise to some of you. We have used the last few months to document all our processes. This formal gap has now also been closed and the continuous improvement can continue. We look forward to continuing to inspire you as existing or future customers.

Many thanks for the support to Fredy Lüchinger from fl consulting !

In August 2021, Gezim Halili celebrates his 30th anniversary with the company. We would like to thank him for his special loyalty to the company and his outstanding commitment!




Dear Business Partner

It's been a while since our last newsletter via this channel. The reason is not that we have become lazy. It's just that it's not always easy to find enough "material" for a fully-fledged newsletter. That's why, about a year ago, we started to publish the small but nice stories from our everyday life on LinkedIn to post. Why not take a look and become a follower!

Of course, you will continue to receive larger topics as newsletters.