Dear Business Partner

We expanded our range again just before Christmas:
During vibratory finishing, the components are vibrated in a drum together with small grinding stones. This allows small burrs to be removed and an even finish to be achieved on the surfaces. The new BSF Bünter AG plant does this automatically and economically. In addition, the parts are automatically cleaned and dried in the second step. This eliminates a lot of manual labour and allows our employees to focus on their core competencies.

Our doors will be closed from 20 December to 2 January 2020.

The whole BSF team wishes you a relaxing time
and a happy new year.

Matthias Zurburg celebrates his 35th company anniversary in October 2019. Matthias has been with BSF Bünter AG since its foundation. We would like to thank him for his special loyalty to the company and his outstanding commitment!

Dear Business Partner

We are proud to share last week's news with you. This summer, three of our apprentices will complete their training as polymechanics / production mechanics. All of them have passed with flying colours and we are delighted that all three will stay with BSF Bünter AG after their apprenticeship and continue to work for us. our team will increase.


Trainer BSF Bünter AG - Fabian Graber / Dino Tiric

In addition, three new apprentices will start their training with us in August. Here's to them helping the industry out of the skills shortage in a few years' time.

Dear Business Partner

Last Friday, the Swissmechanic St. Gallen - Appenzell section elected a new president. Kurt Graber, owner and Managing Director of BSF Bünter AG, accepted the office and will therefore be even more involved in the training of young people in future. Because only if everyone makes their contribution can we achieve something together against the shortage of skilled labour in the industrial sector.


From 14 - 17 May 2019, we will once again be at the Swisstech / Prodex in Basel. The largest supplier trade fair in Switzerland promises to attract many visitors again in 2019.
At the joint stand for additive manufacturing (EH 1.0 / P15), we want to show as many people as possible the new possibilities offered by 3D printing.
Come along and be inspired!

Click here for your free admission ticket!

Dear Business Partner

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video even more so.
As our last newsletter required a lot of imagination for wire erosion with a rotary axis, we quickly made an underwater video and uploaded it to our homepage.

Click here for the underwater video!

But you can still get to know each other even better live than in front of the computer.
There will be another opportunity for this on 12 & 13 March 2019 in Lucerne.

AMX (Additive Manufacturing Expo) is the meeting place for everything to do with 3D printing in Switzerland. From metal to plastic, from service providers to machine manufacturers, from beginners to professionals, all levels will be present.
Of course, BSF Bünter AG will also be there. At stand D2137 you can innovative practical examples with customers such as Jansen, Biontec or FemtoTools and answer specific questions.

Under this link you can get your personal admission tickets easily and free of charge!