Dear Business Partner

About the Digitisation There's a lot of talk about the new digitalisation, and we at BSF Bünter AG certainly don't want to miss out on that. From January 2018, we will therefore be sending out our quotations more and more frequently via the internet-based Imnoo programme. You will then receive an email as usual. Only instead of a PDF file you will find such an example link.
Similar to an online shop, you can then conveniently place your order online. Of course, feedback will also be possible by email or telephone in the future.

BSF Bünter AG and the whole team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and the pleasant co-operation.
We wish you many wonderful moments and all the best for the coming festive season and the New Year 2018.

We have already put our gift to ourselves, the new trailer, into operation. And just in time for Christmas, the green lighting has also been completed.



Kurt and Fabian Graber & the entire BSF team