Dear Business Partner

About the Digitisation There's a lot of talk about the new digitalisation, and we at BSF Bünter AG certainly don't want to miss out on that. From January 2018, we will therefore be sending out our quotations more and more frequently via the internet-based Imnoo programme. You will then receive an email as usual. Only instead of a PDF file you will find such an example link.
Similar to an online shop, you can then conveniently place your order online. Of course, feedback will also be possible by email or telephone in the future.

BSF Bünter AG and the whole team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and the pleasant co-operation.
We wish you many wonderful moments and all the best for the coming festive season and the New Year 2018.

We have already put our gift to ourselves, the new trailer, into operation. And just in time for Christmas, the green lighting has also been completed.



Kurt and Fabian Graber & the entire BSF team

Dear Business Partner

On 25 August 2017, St. Gallen will host the Eastern Switzerland Technology Symposium will take place. This year, BSF Bünter AG will not only be represented at the table-top exhibition, but will also complement the programme with an exciting presentation. In keeping with the motto of the event "Increasing innovative strength - market opportunities for SMEs", Fabian Graber will not list the innovations of BSF Bünter AG, but will show how you as a customer can develop your own innovations with the additive manufacturing of metal!

We hope you are interested and look forward to your visit to the OTS.
Until then, we wish you every success and a wonderful summer.
(BSF Bünter AG will be closed from 24.7.17 - 6.8.17, after which we will be back for you as usual).


Kurt Graber & the BSF Team

After the Publication in the newspaper and the internal opening ceremony in this way: BSF Bünter AG has completed its extension!
Following the demolition of the residential building in September 2016, we were able to put the first machines into operation in the new premises in March 2017. (Photos are available here to see). Our employees have now been producing at their new workstations for a few weeks. They are busy milling and programming on the ground floor, while the 3D printers are running around the clock on the floor above. Very few companies in this country can boast such a dedicated space, specifically adapted to the promising technology of metal 3D printing. BSF Bünter AG is thus consolidating its position as one of Switzerland's leaders in this field.

We are therefore ready for further growth and look forward to a promising future together with our customers.
Here's to continued good co-operation with you!


Kurt and Fabian Graber & the BSF team